Thursday, April 01, 2004

On the stage it is always now; the personages are standing on that razor edge, between the past and the future, which is the essential character of conscious being; the words are rising to their lips in immediate spontaneity. The theatre is supremely fitted to say: "Behold! These things are." ~Thornton Wilder

"You can do a hell of a lot more damage in the system than you can outside of it. That's the final irony, I think. That and this ... when all was said and done, I was just another goddamn trendy ass poser."

Going to church doesn't make you anymore Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car.

RL: Real Life, also known as " that big room with the ceiling that is sometimes blue and sometimes black with little lights"

"My heart has made me weary on a road less traveled on"
