Monday, March 22, 2004

It's not quite paradise, but it sure feels like home

This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown aside with great force.

"Winter is a good time to make friends with livestock."

i'm special. i clicked and got a number that is close to another number, and thusly i deserve praise. PRAISE ME!!! or an autograph, if it's written on something i can eat.
sashamya, after being the 199,999th viewer on vert-is-ninja's page.

Life's a bitch. And if it weren't, there wouldn't be brilliant writers to tell it to us so we don't feel so alone.

""You've a good heart," she told him. "Sometimes that's enough to see you safe wherever you go." Then she shook her head. " But mostly, it's not."

Oh yes. That number just has sexiness written ALL over it.
