Wednesday, April 23, 2003

As a child, you walk in the plains, for you are simple and free; as an adult, you walk in the city, for you are trapped in conformity and repetition

"Deeper deeper deeper deeper!
The Needles under the eyes are especially painful, aren't they?
You said you would love only me, but you love your son too, don't you? You lied! They all lie..."

Inside of myself daylight is almost waking up, slow and wondering how sometimes it isn't always good here.

"In our ignorance, we think
only the strong survive,
but is it those who are strong in body
or strong in heart and mind?"

Prophets see much when it comes to others, but little when it concerns themselves.

Do you hear the cries upon the wind? I hold them dearly. So do not judge me savior when you see me in the night. For I come not to free you, but to make you mine.

"It's nothing anybody said, it's what I can't do."

In the words of Tsuzuki Asato: "I have no money."

This is where I say I've had enough, no one should ever feel the way that I feel now.*

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix

Ye can't go wrong
with me cucumber song.
Cucumbers, cucumbers,
they make me strong!

They're the best ripe an' cold
long before they gets old.
They're so good, no one could
let them grow mold.

Drace, why are you sleeping in a graveyard?
Because I like the company.

Artists starve. But I bet you didn't know that by viewing their galleries, you can help them eat. IT'S TRUE. Artists starve mostly because they are too depressed due to lack of attention to eat!

You can lead a man to reason, but you can't make him think.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.

"There's a Difference between a psychopath and a sociopath ... a psychopath can't help it ... a sociopath doesn't give a damn..."
