Friday, June 20, 2003

Just cause yer dark and depressed doesn't mean yer artistic, damnit!

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my pants the most.

I do better in French than English.

Love can bring light and joy
But love immoderate will destroy.

I am no artist
I am a dreamer
Who takes a pencil
And shows the world
What I see

You know it's a bad sign when I'm the voice of reason.

Somebody in this world loves me. Well, them and a whole lot of drunk guys.

Where do souls go?
Actually, I'm afraid to know.

"Here, you hold this end of the rope, and I'll hold the other end. We'll trip the dragon as he runs through the doorway!" (famous last words of RPG heroes)

Sure, it's funny. But it's nothing to write home about.

Die Lügen sind wie Schneebälle: je weiter man sie fortwälzt, desto größer werden sie.

The law has boundaries. I don't.

Doing art without feelings is like making love to a hamster...Very hard...

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

I wonder if people are trying to prove some kind of point by posting "I've seen this before" so many times. If you don't think it's funny, why the hell are you commenting/voting on it?

"The essence of being eventually be broken up by life, the inevitable price of fastening ones love upon others"-Orwell(On Ghandi)

The ripped images are just too used. Good words, old images = bleh.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to war we go. We'll kick some ass and kill for gas and corporate CEO's.

I've got an electric guitar,
I play my stupid songs,
I write these stupid words,
and I love every one

"Metal is dead, so I've heard, but not while I'm still above ground."

"To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow … the coup de grâce for the painter as well as for the picture."PICASSO

It's nice to be important but more important to be nice.

"I wish you made sense like a joke that no one gets. It's a life without regret; I want to feel that way forever and ever."

"The only real difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage." - Chuck Palahniuk

Why put off anything you can avoid all together?

I woke up in love this morning. ~Sleeping Beauty~
